Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The high wore off

I was probably riding the engagement high during the blip of consistant blogging. No suprise I fell off my pony. I enjoy reading other people's blogs way too much. I discovered Google Reader and the blogging just stopped. I follow some stupid amount of blogs that until recently I have been keeping up with. So what happened in May, June and July?

I can't really think of anything remarkable except that Bryan and I decided to move out of our efficiency because we thought he had a new job lined up.


Again, nothing really significant except it was a tough month for me emotionally, I'm trying to recover from that.


We moved! Into our 2 bedroom apartment in the sky! Our cat doesn't seem to be taking the move well, but I think he's improving and calming down. It is so less stressful for us to have room to breathe, we aren't right on top of each other anymore! That alone has improved my mood tons. Oh and we decided we didn't want to wait until next October to wed. So we're in the process of finding a venue for December 31st. We have one place already on hold for us, but we want to check out one more place on the water to see if it'll work in our budget.

I'm trying really hard to relax more and not worry so much. For instance, this weekend we're going camping at Rehoboth Beach. Impulsively I decided to book a hotel room on the boardwalk in Ocean City and leave a night early. I got an incredible deal and now I'm super excited to leave!! Bryan and I have never been to the beach together so we're eagerly anticipating the new experiences to be had.

I just found out my D40 has a wireless shutter release remote so I really wish we had it for this weekend but maybe we can use the timer and get a few shots. I wanted his mom to take some engagement photos for us but she is leaving for Europa next week and doesn't have time. But I think we need to send out Save the Dates since the wedding will be on a sort of Holiday. We were going to skip them, oh well.

So all my wedding excited-ness will probably come out in this blog because besides Bryan I really don't talk about it much to anyone else. Hopefully, the 31st will work out!

Oh and Bryan is going to start selling those fancy BOSE Noise Quieting Headphones so if anyone wants a pair half off, see me or him!! It'll go to helping our wedding!!