Friday, April 25, 2008

working up the courage

Last Christmas I wanted something really really really bad. So much I called my parents everyday like any annoying salesman trying to self a lifetime supply of toilet bowl cleaner. I was that annyoing. Then, Luke checked with the landlord and my dream was over, done with. He said I couldn't have a dog to bring me happiness and love. ::tear::

I grew up always having a dog in the house so I really miss the companionship. I was pretty upset about it but figured it was for the best since I wasn't in my new job quite yet and not making much money. Now I'm in my new job and living somewhere else. Well, this apartment is really small but it hasn't stopped me from wanting a dog. Since it's a small place I decided I want a small dog instead of a big one as originally planned and I also decided I want an adult already house trained instead of a puppy. The problem? I'm afraid to ask my landlord since I already have a cat. We payed a pet deposit and she has two little yourkies herself, but I'm still afraid there is the chance she'd say no. She's really nice and laid-back....I'm just a big chicken. I want a little dog to greet me when I come home and pet and wash and take on walks sooooooooooo bad. I'm looking heavily at shih tzus because they're more mellow for small dogs, not so yappy. And some are a decent size so it'd be bigger than Oz, my cat. Ugh I've thought about this so much and deliberated about whether or not I'm ready to give up certain freedoms for having a dog and YES YES YES I'm ready. I know there will be tough times but the rewards will be so worth it. Now, just to work up the courage to talk to my landlord....