Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Inspiration and Motivation

I need those two components in my job. Currently, I pretty much lack them. Rarely am I eager to go to work in the morning and continue a project. Wait-I don't have projects. I pay bills. All day. This makes me really dispondent and wanting more. The most exciting part of my day is going home.

There is a part of me that knows I shouldn't complain, but it is really difficult. I spend over 40 hours a week on this. I am just bored. It's 20 minutes to 10am and all I really want to do is leave. Do I stay for a year to build my resume or begin the job search again now? The question is not really that simple because there are tons of other variables to consider, but at the same time it is that simple. Sacrifice or flee?

In other news, my spirited feline, OZ is having stomach issues again. I swear everytime I start thinking about getting another pet God sends me a little reminder of what a hand-full I already have. I still love him and my boyfriend even more for being so patient and cleaning up most the messes. :) Overall, my life is great...I'm just uninspired and blah lately.