Why have I ignored the bliss of giving my ears and mind the best gift of all for so long?! Music, how it treats my soul. I remembered that after the first 3 seconds of playing a song be this band. Back when I lived alone if I wasn't watching a movie I had music blaring from the weak speaker on my laptop. Now, I have headphones on to drown out the noises of my coworkers talking about a cheating subcontractor in Tunisia. Sometimes I can't stand being in cubicles. There are offices in here...go there to talk.
Anyway, music always helped me through all kinds of things. I can't believe I have gone so long without buying new music or downloading MP3s. I need to fix my laptop and get back on the music train.
I miss having a random schedule because it just felt like I had more time even though I probably had less. Now, I am on such a set schedule I feel so drained! Get up a quarter to 8, drive to work, sit at work, get home half after 6 or so, make dinner, clean up, sit and watch a movie or play a video game, shower, bed (sex if I'm lucky/not tired!). Yeah, not much time for music listening in there. I need to charge my iPod and update the music on it....
Friday, December 14, 2007
I just wanna dance with my shirt off!
Posted by June at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I haven't updated lately because I've been busy with Desktop Tower Defense! No really, I've actually been pretty busy at work. Lots of advisors moving, new subcontractors to train. Also, I interviewed and have a new job lined up! Pending a background investigation, and as long as they don't discover my obsession with Nerds Candy, I should be cool. Once the actual background check is complete I'm thinking about telling my current job in the hopes that being honest will pay off in the end. Besides, they can hire someone new and give me plenty of time to train them. Ideally. I have quickly learned that professional contracting is rarely "ideal". It's chaotic and unpredictable at best.
The holidays are upon us and that generally puts me in a better mood. As in, I smile at the tree and then grimace at my laundry or cat or dirty dishes...whatever is the plague. I downloaded Wham!'s "Last Christmas" on my phone for a new ringtone. The song doesn't apply to me in the least because I'm Oh So Fortunate to be in love this holiday season, but maybe I just like George Michaels!
Posted by June at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Happiness Is a Warm Puppy
I actually made it to work this morning at 7am. I have an appointment at 5 this afternoon so I had to be to work early. I should schedule something on every afternoon to force myself to be here at 7am. I swear if I have something to do I can get up (with a struggle, but still). If not I'll sleep until a quarter to 8. Laziness prevails!
I read this slide-show essay this morning and it sort of made clear all my questions about Schulz. I always had a feeling Schulz was a little dark. From other blogs I've read the new Biography about him is a bit of a stretch, but I think it still raises lots of questions and sorta makes sense. This just makes me love Peanuts even more though. And now I want to read this book (even though lots people hate it), maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas. Actually, I'll just get it from the library. I probably don't want such a questionable book in my personal library. Still worth a read nonetheless.
Last night Bryan and I joined Leila and Scott along with Manju and Shakira to the Piratez Bar in Silver Spring. I was throughly unimpressed by most of the experience. The random belly dancers were cool. I didn't have enough cash on me to tip them, I felt bad. Otherwise, the bartender reading Valley of the Dolls in a poorly lit bar was kind of strange. Poorly lit is an understatement, I could hardly read my menu. It was nice to get out of the house on a weeknight though.
Posted by June at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
bored, bored, bored
I have no work to do and keep compulsively checking my e-mail over and over again. I am waiting to hear back from a couple people about puppies. I am certain I want one now and just need to gain approval from my brother. I know he doesn't mind a dog in the house, the part I'm worried about is me picking out the dog and not him. He had mentioned wanting to get Lucas a dog for Christmas. I don't want to intrude on that and maybe 2 dogs in the house would be too much. I wish I could get a straight answer from him. I feel like I'd be caring for it mostly so it should be my dog and my pick, but who knows. He pays the bills. I'm so fortunate.
On Saturday I am running in the Quantico Turkey Trot 5 miler. I have no idea how I'll run 5 miles without any training but we'll see. Scott is doing it with me and I'm interested to see how he can keep his attention on running for about an hour. Either way it'll be fun.
Lately I've been sleeping in until 7:30-7:45 and it is wonderful. I don't have to deal with so many morons on the road and I usually miss the morning chatter between co-workers. I like my co-workers but not really before 9am! One huge drawback is getting home so late. Bryan doesn't get home til after 6 either but sometimes it is nice to be home before everyone gets there and the house is quiet. I am usually the crazy one who contributes to the noise...but that is besides the point. Anyway, I just ate half a packet of Ritz crackers and I really like this T-Shirt!
Posted by June at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Deciding to be happy
Last night I unexpectedly had dinner guests. Scott and Leila are always welcomed in our house and hardly guests, but whatever. Luckily, the dinner I had planned was plenty for 4 people. I made this Sweet Sausage in a Parmesan sauce with noodles thing. I wasn't sure how it was going to taste, but everyone liked it. I also made them try the brownie pumpkin cheesecake I made on Saturday and they approved of it as well. After dinner, we watched Black Sheep. And I don't mean the Chris Farley and David Spade comedy. We watched this Black Sheep. It was uh....bad, but the very funny bad. So we watched the whole improbable zombie like sheep movie.
Lately I've been thinking about getting a puppy. I've given it a lot of thought and I think I'm going to do it. Luke seems ok with it because he wanted to get one too, but I'm going to make sure. I'm trying to be patient and see if my parents can find one for free near them, but it's difficult. Who knows what will happen.
This website is worth visiting to put a smile on your face. Especially watch David's New Snail Animation, so cute!
Posted by June at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
Borrowed Templates
I found this template at createblog, I always used it for a cool myspace layout. I tried all day to add a personal fall photo to a simply layout and I couldn't get it to work. I only know the very basics at HTML and don't know the appropriate software to download to help me edit it myself. Ah well. This template will work for now.
This fall I participated in an adult kickball league. Yes, I said kickball. Most of the players looked older than me though...and still doing keg stands. To each their own. Overall it was a fun season. Last night we suffered a horrible loss in the first night of playoffs. So, we're out for the season, but I might play in the Spring. It seems I don't do well in organized sports. Some people on the team I took constructive comments from just fine, other people just rubbed me the wrong way. Most the season it just seemed like our team wasn't unified or something and that, in my opinion, caused us to lose all the time. Oh well, it was fun. We got out of the house once a week and socialized. I regret not taking any pictures. Especially last night cause we were so bundled up we all looked freezing. Ah well, the team "Real Men Wear Pink" is no more. Yeah, we wore bright neon pink shirts...
Posted by June at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
New Blog, First Post
Since my current job doesn't exactly require my attention for 8 hours, 5 days a week and I need a new place to vent, I created a blog. I like the word blog so much better than journal or diary. I have kept a "blog" on myspace for the past couple years or so, but feel disinclined to update it these days. I'm even thinking about deleting my account on myspace because I'm tired of thinking that a few of my old friends need to grow up and I need to stop being lametarded and comparing my life to theirs. Not compare in the way that I wish my life were better just how different I feel to some of my other twentysomething friends. Besides I have facebook too and I interact with people more often on that social networking site than myspace. I also whined too much on myspace. I have my boyfriend for that these days. Plus, I love reading blogs on blogspot. People are more witty on here than myspace. Will I remove my account on myspace soon? Unlikely, because there are a few long distance friends on it who aren't on facebook, but we'll see.
For now I'll leave you with this interesting article. Teenagers never seize to amaze me... My favorite part is the first comment left on the article about the smart feller.
Posted by June at 8:51 AM 1 comments