Wednesday, November 14, 2007

bored, bored, bored

I have no work to do and keep compulsively checking my e-mail over and over again. I am waiting to hear back from a couple people about puppies. I am certain I want one now and just need to gain approval from my brother. I know he doesn't mind a dog in the house, the part I'm worried about is me picking out the dog and not him. He had mentioned wanting to get Lucas a dog for Christmas. I don't want to intrude on that and maybe 2 dogs in the house would be too much. I wish I could get a straight answer from him. I feel like I'd be caring for it mostly so it should be my dog and my pick, but who knows. He pays the bills. I'm so fortunate.

On Saturday I am running in the Quantico Turkey Trot 5 miler. I have no idea how I'll run 5 miles without any training but we'll see. Scott is doing it with me and I'm interested to see how he can keep his attention on running for about an hour. Either way it'll be fun.

Lately I've been sleeping in until 7:30-7:45 and it is wonderful. I don't have to deal with so many morons on the road and I usually miss the morning chatter between co-workers. I like my co-workers but not really before 9am! One huge drawback is getting home so late. Bryan doesn't get home til after 6 either but sometimes it is nice to be home before everyone gets there and the house is quiet. I am usually the crazy one who contributes to the noise...but that is besides the point. Anyway, I just ate half a packet of Ritz crackers and I really like this T-Shirt!