Thursday, November 8, 2007

New Blog, First Post

Since my current job doesn't exactly require my attention for 8 hours, 5 days a week and I need a new place to vent, I created a blog. I like the word blog so much better than journal or diary. I have kept a "blog" on myspace for the past couple years or so, but feel disinclined to update it these days. I'm even thinking about deleting my account on myspace because I'm tired of thinking that a few of my old friends need to grow up and I need to stop being lametarded and comparing my life to theirs. Not compare in the way that I wish my life were better just how different I feel to some of my other twentysomething friends. Besides I have facebook too and I interact with people more often on that social networking site than myspace. I also whined too much on myspace. I have my boyfriend for that these days. Plus, I love reading blogs on blogspot. People are more witty on here than myspace. Will I remove my account on myspace soon? Unlikely, because there are a few long distance friends on it who aren't on facebook, but we'll see.

For now I'll leave you with this interesting article. Teenagers never seize to amaze me... My favorite part is the first comment left on the article about the smart feller.


Scott said...

I updated my LJ blog, by the way. One of the posts is friends only, so you should try and get friended if you haven't already.