Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deciding to be happy

Last night I unexpectedly had dinner guests. Scott and Leila are always welcomed in our house and hardly guests, but whatever. Luckily, the dinner I had planned was plenty for 4 people. I made this Sweet Sausage in a Parmesan sauce with noodles thing. I wasn't sure how it was going to taste, but everyone liked it. I also made them try the brownie pumpkin cheesecake I made on Saturday and they approved of it as well. After dinner, we watched Black Sheep. And I don't mean the Chris Farley and David Spade comedy. We watched this Black Sheep. It was uh....bad, but the very funny bad. So we watched the whole improbable zombie like sheep movie.

Lately I've been thinking about getting a puppy. I've given it a lot of thought and I think I'm going to do it. Luke seems ok with it because he wanted to get one too, but I'm going to make sure. I'm trying to be patient and see if my parents can find one for free near them, but it's difficult. Who knows what will happen.

This website is worth visiting to put a smile on your face. Especially watch David's New Snail Animation, so cute!