Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shattered Dreams

Ok, maybe that is a teenie dramatic, but I was frankly shocked. The landlord declined to acquiesce my request to adopt a dog. Flat no because legally there aren't supposed to be more than 2 or 3 pets per household. She said 2 on Friday, but Bryan's dad who lives in the same neighborhood says it is 3. Either way, including my lion and her 2 rats we have 3 pets. ::sigh:: I am still a little sad about the whole thing, but keep trying to remind myself it is for the better.

In other news Oz has developed strange wounds on his leg that I am keeping a close watch on. Bryan bought a PS3-totally unnecessary but kind of cool.
I finally watched Enchanted and it was over the top cute.

Back to work.

Friday, April 25, 2008

working up the courage

Last Christmas I wanted something really really really bad. So much I called my parents everyday like any annoying salesman trying to self a lifetime supply of toilet bowl cleaner. I was that annyoing. Then, Luke checked with the landlord and my dream was over, done with. He said I couldn't have a dog to bring me happiness and love. ::tear::

I grew up always having a dog in the house so I really miss the companionship. I was pretty upset about it but figured it was for the best since I wasn't in my new job quite yet and not making much money. Now I'm in my new job and living somewhere else. Well, this apartment is really small but it hasn't stopped me from wanting a dog. Since it's a small place I decided I want a small dog instead of a big one as originally planned and I also decided I want an adult already house trained instead of a puppy. The problem? I'm afraid to ask my landlord since I already have a cat. We payed a pet deposit and she has two little yourkies herself, but I'm still afraid there is the chance she'd say no. She's really nice and laid-back....I'm just a big chicken. I want a little dog to greet me when I come home and pet and wash and take on walks sooooooooooo bad. I'm looking heavily at shih tzus because they're more mellow for small dogs, not so yappy. And some are a decent size so it'd be bigger than Oz, my cat. Ugh I've thought about this so much and deliberated about whether or not I'm ready to give up certain freedoms for having a dog and YES YES YES I'm ready. I know there will be tough times but the rewards will be so worth it. Now, just to work up the courage to talk to my landlord....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Needing a vacation

I'm sure most people feel the need for a vacation, but whatever. Not to sound spoiled although I know that is how I'll sound...Disney World last summer and Ocean City the summer before that didn't feel like real vacations. I'm not a parent yet so vacationing with little ones isn't exactly fun to me....yet. It has it's moments but not when they're crying or being difficult. Also, when I'm broke and generous family members practically pay for my vacation I shouldn't complain!!

This summer I really really want a relaxing but also enjoyable and memorable vacation. But alas I don't think I'll get one. In between visiting family and friends on top of not having any vacation time, I don't think Bryan and I will get a vacation this summer. Maybe I'll try and squeeze in a short beach weekend if we have the money for those expensive hotels.

The trips I have in mind so far are:
Mom and Dad's a couple times
Camping Memorial Day Weekend
Jennifer's Party June 21st
Visiting Mary and the girls for a long weekend
Visiting Jennie and Charlie in July or August

I wish I could afford to visit more people and places but I haven't the time or money. Also, Bryan's schedule makes it difficult to make plans in advance and save for. Blah. So with warm weather slowly creeping into Maryland I am dreaming of all the mini trips I'll take this summer and trying not to think about the office I'm stuck in Monday-Friday. If only I could vent about my new job....the work is great, I'm catching on well. The environment on the other hand leaves much to desire. Hello real world? I don't know...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Curious Oz

My cat is the typical curious cat, he is nosy about everything. Any door; he has to see behind it.

The other night was cold in the apartment so Bryan and I turned on the space heater. Well, apparently we turned it on too high because it burnt a fuse. Being in a new place we didn't know where the fuse box was. First, we looked in the utility closet and there was a locked box. Then, we looked in the garage and of course the light in the garage was on the same fuse that burnt. And I can't find the flashlight. Fun stuff. Bryan lights a candle and I continue to look for a flashlight. I find a book light, genius!! I go into the garage equipped with my LED booklight and find Bryan unable to figure out which fuse is broken. I make my way over there and find which fuse is broken, we fix it and proceed to go back to bed.

A few minutes later we hear a mad scrambling of little dog feet and barking. Our landlord has two little yorkies. Then, it occurs to me. Where is the cat?! The whole time we were trying to fix the fuse Oz kept trying to get into the garage and the door that led from the garage into our landlord's house...was open. Freakin Oz snuck into her house! So just to be sure Bryan and I search all 20 feet of our apartment and can't find Oz. What are we going to do?! Our landlord didn't wake up with all the commotion?! We have no other choice but to go into her house and find our maniac cat. I was being loud to try and wake up our landlord so she didn't think we were creeps and Bryan was trying to stealth it. Well, we get up stairs and see Oz on the windowsill trying to bat at the poor dog running in front of the window. I hear a yelp from the dog right before Bryan grabs Oz and our landlord finally wakes up and comes downstairs. Luckily, she was super understanding about it and didn't get mad. Though I doubt she'll ever leave the garage door open again.

Oz thinks he's a ninja....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Busy happenings

When aren't we busy? We people...

Bryan and I got really lucky and found a really small but affordable place. It's in a great neighborhood, quiet, closer to work and Bryan's Dad. Major bonus cause they give us free food and parental love. Cause let's face it; Bryan and I are hardly ready to be full blown adults. Are any of us ever ready? So, after all the annoying moving and swearing not to move again for 5 years we're finally pretty settled. Things are still a little cluttered and there aren't any pictures on the wall, but it feels like home.

Happy, Content and Goofy.