Sunday, April 13, 2008

Busy happenings

When aren't we busy? We people...

Bryan and I got really lucky and found a really small but affordable place. It's in a great neighborhood, quiet, closer to work and Bryan's Dad. Major bonus cause they give us free food and parental love. Cause let's face it; Bryan and I are hardly ready to be full blown adults. Are any of us ever ready? So, after all the annoying moving and swearing not to move again for 5 years we're finally pretty settled. Things are still a little cluttered and there aren't any pictures on the wall, but it feels like home.

Happy, Content and Goofy.


Mary said...

What a cute place! I'm sure you'll make it feel like home soon enough. I can't wait to see it!

Unknown said...

Awwww JUNE! That place looks great...parental love and free food? Sounds like a good spot to call home.