Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Curious Oz

My cat is the typical curious cat, he is nosy about everything. Any door; he has to see behind it.

The other night was cold in the apartment so Bryan and I turned on the space heater. Well, apparently we turned it on too high because it burnt a fuse. Being in a new place we didn't know where the fuse box was. First, we looked in the utility closet and there was a locked box. Then, we looked in the garage and of course the light in the garage was on the same fuse that burnt. And I can't find the flashlight. Fun stuff. Bryan lights a candle and I continue to look for a flashlight. I find a book light, genius!! I go into the garage equipped with my LED booklight and find Bryan unable to figure out which fuse is broken. I make my way over there and find which fuse is broken, we fix it and proceed to go back to bed.

A few minutes later we hear a mad scrambling of little dog feet and barking. Our landlord has two little yorkies. Then, it occurs to me. Where is the cat?! The whole time we were trying to fix the fuse Oz kept trying to get into the garage and the door that led from the garage into our landlord's house...was open. Freakin Oz snuck into her house! So just to be sure Bryan and I search all 20 feet of our apartment and can't find Oz. What are we going to do?! Our landlord didn't wake up with all the commotion?! We have no other choice but to go into her house and find our maniac cat. I was being loud to try and wake up our landlord so she didn't think we were creeps and Bryan was trying to stealth it. Well, we get up stairs and see Oz on the windowsill trying to bat at the poor dog running in front of the window. I hear a yelp from the dog right before Bryan grabs Oz and our landlord finally wakes up and comes downstairs. Luckily, she was super understanding about it and didn't get mad. Though I doubt she'll ever leave the garage door open again.

Oz thinks he's a ninja....


Scott said...

I've heard this story before.